JP Holidays

USA Holidays

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Florida, CA, or Hawaii?

What kind of character to do associate with the following states: Florida, California, Hawaii.
Which do you associate the most with beaches and why? How do the characters of these three states differ?

What about Maine? (just throwing that out there lol)

Answer :
Florida i associate the most with beaches of course, it is called the Sunshine state for no good reason. Florida has many beaches ranging from South Beach to Merritt Island. Florida is more of a sunny character since it is known as the Sunshine state. Though i don't like Florida since most of the people there are mostly ignorant and most of them like to party all of the time.

California is more of a laid back state. Although its the most expensive state compared to any other state the character varies since the north of California is very different to the south. Though if i were to describe the whole of California in one word i would have to say Chilled.

Maine i would say is a relaxing state. I have family who used to live in Maine and it was very peaceful, nice scenery and not crowded as other states are... very cheap too! Maine is very popular for their lobsters since the best in the world come from the state ;)

Finally I never been to Hawaii and never had any interest in the state itself but i could say that the character for Hawaii is very diverse since many types of races I have known live in Hawaii. Also don't forget Obama was born in Hawaii, the first African American President for the United States.

Answer :
California. I may be biased, though, because I have lived here (CA) ever since I could remember. It will always be my homestate. Florida and Hawaii don't seem to get as much cold. I prefer the cold to the hot.
Maine is completely different to all those three, though, haha. It's freezing up there.

Answer :
FL : Beachy, tan people. Blonde hair, fit, bikinis.
CA : same as FL just have more money.
HAWAII: Hawiann people with the lays, and stuff.

Maine? : I dont really know, normal people. like from MA.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What is the best mascara for swimming?

I moved to Hawaii and am now at the beach at least once a week. The only makeup i wear day to day is mascara and i will not go out without it but it always smears when I'm in the waves. I've heard of curling your eyelashes then using waterproof eyeliner on your lashes rather than mascara works well but i have yet to try that method. Any good mascaras that will actually withstand the water without smearing?

Answer :
I think the best mascara for swimming is Christian seven oils or Christian Mamey both are waterproof I always when going to the pool or the jacuzzi lol would hate to get raccoon eyes!! you can only get it on ebay but its cheap I also use Apple Mamey mascara but only when Im not going in the water!

Answer :
Im not sure if this is the best mascara but I use Maybelline XXL Volume + Length waterproof mascara.
Its pretty good & stays on in the water and last all day and when you curl your eyelashes they stay curled :)
Just try not to rub your eyes so much when your in the water, even though it is kinda tough to get off.

Answer :
Most WATERPROOF mascaras would do the trick. Maybe u can pop into a drugstore or makeup boutique and try a few on.. the ones that make your lashes the hardest are least likely to leak when u go swimming :)

Answer :
oh yeah!! cover girl lash blast, the orange tube works wonders. get the waterproof one, but you will need eye makeup remover to get it off. I was a life guard for two years, and thats the only mascara I used. Trust me. it amazing!! Its only like 6 dollars at walmart or any drug store.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hey could someone check this to make sure it's okay! spanish speakers only :)!?

hey! i have a pen friend in spain and i'm not very good at spanish! so i have just used a translator, this is meant to be a joke as he knows im crap at spanish :P! could someone make this readable? i can tell by scanning it is bad, thank you very mucho! (mucho is the best spanish word i can say! jejeje) xxxx, no insults please, i dont know why you would insult me, i dont want any ' learn spanish yourself bleh bleh' i dont have time at the mo, eventually i shall! thankss x
hola mi nombre es Dave, soy de 15 años y mi cumpleaños es el 30 de enero. Tengo pelo corto *****, pienso que afeitarse el cabello en el verano, hace demasiado calor, yo diría que fue de poca altura y pequeñas en el peso. Yo no estoy gordo como yo juego 3 deportes por semana, mi favorita de los deportes es la natación. Me mantiene en buena forma física. Creo que soy un deporte y persona muy amable. Mi hermano es el oppsite de mí, que solía ser amable, pero desde que se ha convertido en un adulto es muy temperamental. Espero que en el futuro se convierte en especie de nuevo! Tengo 2 hermanos, cuyos nombres son Drew y Stephan, que son ambos padres students.My se llama Jane y Bob mi mamá es maestra y mi papá es un policía. Me llevo con mi familia muy bien tenemos un montón de veces feliz y divertirse juntos. mi mejor amigo se llama Marcos nos reunimos en la parada del autobús escolar de un par de años atrás, mi cosa favorita de él es que es divertido, salimos casi todos los días y siempre es fantástico! Mi novia ideal sería Cheryl Cole, por razones obvias, es muy rica y bonita. En mi tiempo libre me gusta salir con mis amigos en el parque o la playa. Haré esto más después de los exámenes han terminado. Después de los exámenes han terminado también estoy pensando en primer lugar, ir de vacaciones a continuación, pasar todo el tiempo fuera con otros amigos, aunque mi madre solía estar contento de eso, pero siempre será mi elección de lo que hago! En el futuro me quieren ser o un bombero en Hawaii o un biólogo marino, como la biología es uno de mis intereses y extinción de incendios es muy gratificante. Yo solía querer ser futbolista, Pero no creo que nunca va a suceder!


ello my name is dave , im 15 years old and my birthday is 30th january. I have short black hair, i plan to shave my hair in the summer as it gets too hot, i would say i was short in height and small in weight. I'm not fat as i play 3 sports per week, my favourite of the sports is swimming. It keeps me physically fit. I think im a sport and kind person. My brother is the oppsite of me , he used to be kind but since he has become an adult he is very moody. I hope in the future he becomes kind again! I have 2 brothers whose names are Drew and Stephan, they are both students.My parents are called Jane and bob my mum is a teacher and my dad is a policeman. i get on with my family very well we have lots of happy and fun times together. my best friend is called Mark we meet at the school bus stop a couple of years ago, my favourite thing about him is that he is funny, we go out nearly everyday and it's always fantastic! My Ideal girlfriend would be Cheryl Cole, for obvious reason, she is very rich and pretty. In my free time i like to go out with my friends in the park or the beach. I will do this more after my exams have finished. After my exams have finished i also plan to firstly , go on holiday then spend all the other time outside with my friends, although my mum wont be happy about that but it will always be my choice what i do! In the future i want to either be a firefighter in hawaii or a marine biologist, as biology is one of my interests and firefighting is very rewarding. I used to want to be a footballer, but i dont think that will ever happen!

Answer :
Hola mi nombre es Dave, tengo 15 años y mi cumpleaños es el 30 de enero. Tengo pelo *****, corto i planeo afeitármelo en el verano, ya que hace mucho calor. Diría que soy bajo de estatura y peso poco. No soy gordo porque hago 3 deportes por semana, mi favorito es la natación. Me mantiene en buena forma física. Creo que soy bueno en el deporte y una persona amable. Mi hermano es opuesto a mi, solía ser amable, pero desde que se convirtió en adulto es muy temperamental. Espero que en el futuro sea amable nuevamente! Tengo 2 hermanos, Drew y Stephan, los dos son estudiantes. Mis padres son Jane y Bob, mi mamá es maestra y mi papá es policía. Me llevo muy bien con mi familia y tenemos muchos momentos felices y divertidos. Mi mejor amigo se llama Mark, nos conocimos en la parada del bus del colegio hace unos años, lo que mas me gusta de el es que es divertido. Salimos casi todos los días y siempre es fantástico! Mi novia ideal seria Cheryl Cole, por razone obvias, ella es rica y bonita. En mi tiempo libre me gusta salir con mis amigos al parque o a la playa. Saldré más cuando haya terminado mis exámenes. Cuando termine mis exámenes también planeo, primero ir de vacaciones y pasar todo el tiempo saliendo con mis amigos, eso no le va gustar mucho a mi mamá pero es mi decisión! En el futuro quiero ser un bombero en Hawaii o un biólogo marino, ya que biología es uno de mis intereses y ser bombero es muy gratificante. Antes quería ser jugador de fútbol, pero creo que eso nunca va a suceder!

DE Holidays

ASIA Holidays